1.People That Are Going To Hell

Some people are bad and they don't give a damn what they do or
who they hurt.
They go through their lives and don't apologize for the shit
that they've disturbed.
But they don't bother ma at all cuz I know quite well When their
lives are over and they've done what they've done They're the
people that are going to hell.
Some beat their wives or pull out a knife and stab a person or
two or three with no repercussionsand no one here can touch them
and they get away scott free
But that's not the case you see and I'm glad to tell
When their lives are over and they've done what they've done
They're the people that are going to hell .

They will spend eternity cursing all they've done faced with
Karma consequence and nowhere left to run
They will be in agony until the end of time
Cuz they were such assholes while alive So try and be nice and
to do what's right cuz there will come a day
When you're faced with your maker and no one here can save you
No matter what they say.

And be glad that you were good cuz some don't do so well and
when they're lives are over and they've done what they've done
They're the people that are going to hell.